Thursday, 24 July 2014 | By: Unknown

Assignment 3 (Media Arts Design 1) Update 3

And so I have sketched the first draft for this assignment.
Sketch  5 (Draft 1)


  1. The title is at the upper right corner accompanied with the songbird.
  2. The poem is written at the center of the piece with stylized calligraphy.
  3. The colour scheme was to combine warm and cool colours as the fairy tale implies the extremes of contrast placing as one of its element.
  4. Execution plan: Medium( A2 size illustration board or printed with craft elements) || Calligraphy( ruling pen or cola pen) || Colours( watercolour and white gouache unless printed).
  1. By using the same elements, it will be brought into Adobe After Effects for animation.
  2. It will be a 30 seconds animated picture.
  3. I will use the music, Awake in A Dream by Adrion Von Ziegler.
  4. I will overlay with real life footage of food colouring drop as to implies the serene watercolour effect movement.
More on this later. XD

Assignment 3 (Media Arts Design 1) Update 2

I decided to use calligraphy as part of the typography poster based on The Juniper Tree.
But first, I did a sketch as to capture the emotion that I want to centralised in the poster.

Sketch 1
I took the elements of the songbird, juniper tree and blood. I also took the poem as it was very relevant and one of the most important element from the fairy tale. As for the colours, the bird was said to sang so beautifully it made people stop doing their work and gave it things that they wanted to hear it sings again.

As for the calligraphy, this particular pages were used by me to practice using the ruling pen.
Sketch 2

Sketch 3
Also I did some research to have more knowledge about the fairy tale and its elements. Basically, the fairy tale emphasize on the moral of relationship and family. Also, juniper trees most of the time corresponds to the value of life and rejuvenation. 
Sketch 4

Assignment 3 (Media Arts Design)

For Assignment 3 we were assigned to make two artworks (traditional and digital) based on a fiction.
I chose a fairy tale from The Grimm Brothers, The Juniper Tree. The reason why I chose this fairy tale is that it is unique and I can relate to the elements and moral of the story.
Attached here are the fairy tale. Feel free to read it :)

Monday, 7 July 2014 | By: Unknown

Assignment 2 (Media Arts Design 2) Update 3

After choosing keep as the new verb. I made the composition form the initial sketches I made. It was exactly the sketch.

Black and white

I took the risk combining the two "e"s as I would it to look like a chest or a safe. But, as I went along and printed the posters most of my friends could not make out the word and instead kept seeing the merged "e"s as "H".
The printed posters

Assignment 2 (Media Arts Design 1) Update 2

I have to break away from building as it started to limit my exploration. So I just randomly sketch verb by verb that came form songs I'm listening to.

And so, I chose keep to be my new verb.